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I grew up in Omaha, Nebraska. I remember diligently learning how to read. I paid attention to my phonics lessons and the grammar of sentences. I love reading, the alphabet, and language. My parents were readers. All of my siblings are readers. Some were fast to read, others slower, but we all read in our daily lives. 


I graduated from the University of Wyoming with a degree in English literature. After that I received a Master of Arts degree in Library Science from the University of Iowa. Later, I completed my MFA in Creative Writing from Hamline University.


While I was studying in Iowa City I began to think about becoming a writer. It is hard not to think about writing in Iowa City. Writers are everywhere there, like birds in trees.


It is also hard not to think about writing when one works in a library. Books tend to whisper, "Read me, read me," when one is shelving. They demand that I pick them up, and, at the very least, peruse a page or two. I do.


For me, life has been a run on sentence, full of ands.


And I have a wonderful husband and a wonderful daughter. And we have two perfect cats; they say so all the time.